We may not all have been destined to great height, but we can all certainly be blessed with great confidence. A significant part of that confidence comes from choosing custom-tailored clothing. Nothing else fits as well or makes the wearer look better.
We never try to make our clients look tall-instead, we design clothing that makes them look fantastic. The key strategy we follow is designing your clothing to be proportional. For the shorter gentleman, we cut the sleeves narrower to combat the billowing effect that can happen with ill-fitting ready-to-wear clothing. We also cut the sleeves to exactly the correct length to avoid the “puddle” of fabric often seen at the shorter gentleman’s wrist. In addition, we suggest you select ties that are slimmer, so that they work with the proportions of your suit.
When you’re choosing fabrics, we suggest you consider monochromatic color schemes. These create a unified look, while wearing strongly contrasting colors in your shirt and trousers can visually cut you in half. Thin stripes, set close together, often look better on shorter gentlemen than do large, blocky stripes.
Overall, a clean, crisp look is generally more flattering on shorter gentlemen than vivid, busy patterns. Remember that confidence in your appearance says more about you than your height, whatever it may be.
“If you’re wearing suits and you want to create your own sense of style, get to the tailor.”
– Matt Bomer


Blue is one of the most dependable colors for your custom clothing. Navy blazers and suit coats make your favorite white shirts look fantastically crisp. They’re also great paired with shirts in pastels of any shade, or a soft gray. If you’re looking to make a coat or full suit in a lighter shade of blue, consider a blue-gray tone for an elegant change of pace.
Dress shirts made in a rich shade of blue are a perfect partner for tan or gray trousers or crisp jeans. Make sure the jeans and shirt are not so close in color that they compete visually. When dressing in blues, add in an accent piece for a splash of color, whether it’s a tie, a pocket square, a tie clip, or cuff links.
Let your blues work for your wardrobe! Give us a call to schedule your personal wardrobe consultation.